How to wrap your Crypto Duckies!
Wrapping your crypto-duckies into the dedicated smart contract will give them super powers and allow you to claim future airdrops from the community! It also removes reliance from Opensea and ensures that our crypto-duckies will stick around forever ❤
First, find your duckie on Opensea. Copy the full TokenId of your Duckie to your clipboard by clicking on it.
Next, visit the official crypto- duckies wrapping dapp:
Here, connect to Metamask with ‘login with web3.’ Then, click on ‘Approve All’ once and perform the transaction to approve your crypto duckies to the official wrapping contract (0x2a4aec73e06948b13a5dad3284ed241aa481401b).
Finally, paste your duckie’s TokenId into the numeric field and click ‘Wrap’ and perform the metamask transaction in order to wrap him or her up! You will notice that your duckie still appears in your account in OpenSea as normal.
You can unwrap your duckie at any time. Just copy the new tokenId of your wrapped duckie (it will be a short number between 1 and 5000) and paste it in the field below, press Unwrap, and complete the metamask transaction. Your duckie will be an OG duckie again using the old Opensea contract.
You can see the Wrapped Crypto Duckie collection on Opensea here: