Dapps: Completely Neutral & Community Oriented

2 min readApr 16, 2021


Sushiswap developing its own Token and then paying its platforms’ fees to holders was very innovative. It was so innovative that Uniswap launched their own token. Curve has their own token. Yearn has their own token. There are new DeFi Dapps launching every day and they all have their own token.

These platform-related tokens have very positive effects. They create a community of holders who ravenously create content, memes, shill, and promote the respective platform because they have a vested interest in the success of the application. If the Dapp does well, they will earn more fees! This is because platform fees are paid to token holders (Sushi DEX fees -> paid to holders of Sushi).

Smart contracts trustlessly paying microfees to an entire community is a wonderful paradigm. We can do so much more with it! It would be even better if multiple dapps could pay microfees to a single super-community. That way, each dapp would not need its own token! To do so, we need NEUTRAL tokens.

Introducing: The Guild

The Guild, or otherwise known as ‘The Miners Guild’, is a smart contract and DAO which is entirely neutral. Shares are granted by staking a neutral platform-agnostic pure-mined math-based ERC20 token named ‘0xBTC’, an homage to the original pure-mined PoW coin.

The Guild Smart Contract is able to collect+route platform-fees from multiple Dapps all at the same time to the DAO members. Trustlessly. It is akin to a single-sided liquidity pool. Your stake in the pool is a constant factor and so as donations pour in, you own your original stake + a fraction of those donations and you can withdraw them at any time. It is a community dragnet for fees.

In this way, the Guild Smart Contract is a giant donations funnel. It allows Smart Contracts to be hard-coded to trustlessly send fees to a whole community during normal execution flow. This pattern enables gas-efficient blanket-donations instead of only being able to donate to a specific ethereum account.



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